Good Design Award -Japan-
Logo mark, right regarding trade name belongs to Japan Design Promotion Organization of Japan Foundation.
There is the Good design award in Japan. Excellent works in various fields are chosen each year. Below, I will explain the Good Design Award by referring to the official website.
"G Mark" is a symbol mark indicating that it received the Good Design Award, and it is a communication tool that connects society and design. In 1957, it was designed by Mr. Yusaku Kamekura of Japan's leading graphic designer. It has a very high recognition rate in Japan.
Mr. Yusaku Kamekura
After the Second World War, Mr. Kamekura Yusaku is the big name of the design world that created Japanese design. Besides the posters of the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Osaka World Exposition, he is a graphic designer whose name is known worldwide, working on leading logo marks such as "G Mark," "Traditional Crafts" and "NTT" one after another. Also known as a person who first introduced photographs and illustrations to the poster, he is a meritorious person who raised Japan's graphic design to world standard. It was a new way of "design" that led the Japanese design world after the war and did not penetrate at that time, and gave a great influence to the Japanese economy.
The Good Design Award covers many things from small products to buildings. Since the announcement in 2018 is not yet, please see the 2017 Good Design Award winning work.
The Good Design Award is conducted in collaboration with various design related organizations in Japan and overseas as shown below.
- イタリアインダストリアルデザイン協会 (Associazione per il Disegno Industriale / ADI)
- 台湾中衛発展中心 (Corporate Synergy Development Center, Taiwan / CSD)
- ディー・アンド・エーディー (D & AD)
- デザイン&クラフツカウンシル・アイルランド (Design & Crafts Council Ireland / DCCI)
- フィリピンデザインセンター (Design Center of the Philippines / DCP)
- デザインシンガポールカウンシル (Design Singapore Council / DSG)
- グッドデザイン・オーストラリア (GOOD DESIGN Australia)
- 香港デザインセンター (Hong Kong Design Centre / HKDC)
- トルコインダストリアルデザイナー協会 (Industrial Designers Society of Turkey / ETMK)
- 台湾工業技術研究院 (Industrial Technology Research Institute / ITRI)
- 国際デザイン協議会 (International Council of Design / ico-D)
- 国際インテリアデザイナー団体協議会 (International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers / IFI)
- 公益社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイナー協会 (Japan Industrial Designers' Association / JIDA)
- 公益社団法人日本インテリアデザイナー協会 (Japan Interior Designer's Association / JID)
- 公益社団法人日本クラフトデザイン協会 (Japan Craft Design Association / JCDA)
- 公益社団法人日本パッケージデザイン協会 (Japan Package Design Association / JPDA)
- 公益社団法人日本グラフィックデザイナー協会 (Japan Graphic Designers Association / JAGDA)
- 公益社団法人日本ジュエリーデザイナー協会 (Japan Jewellery Designers Association / JJDA)
- 公益社団法人日本サインデザイン協会 (Japan Sign Design Association / SDA)
- 一般社団法人日本空間デザイン協会 (Japan Design Space Association / DSA)
- 一般社団法人日本デザイン保護協会 (Japan Design Protect Association / JDPA)
- 韓国インダストリアルデザイナー協会 (Korea Association of Industrial Designers / KAID)
- 韓国デザイン振興院 (Korea Institute of Design Promotion / KIDP)
- 台湾金属工業発展研究センター (Metal Industries Research & Development Centre / MIRDC)
- ソウルデザイン財団 (Seoul Design Foundation / SDF)
- 台湾デザインセンター (Taiwan Design Center / TDC)
- 国際美術・デザイン・メディア大学連合 (The International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media / CUMULUS)
- スイスエンジニア建築家協会 (The Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects / SIA)
- 世界デザイン機構 (World Design Organization / WDO)
The Good Design Award is managed by the Japan Design Society Promotion Organization.